Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Important clarification

In order for everyone to understand where/how I base my opinions and advice on, I want to clarify my background.

I majored in Athletic Training and have worked as an Athletic Trainer for over 8 years now at the DI and DIII level. I have a great amount of experience in baseball and its injuries, so much so that my thesis was pitching injuries and rehabilitation. So as you can imagine, I always take a longer look at analysis that includes injuries and technological improvements in sports medicine. Two people in particular have shaped my interest in injury analysis, namely Will Carroll from Baseball Prospectus and Rick Wilton from I will like to take their amazing coverage and analysis a little further with analysis of Pitch F/X data, disabled list information, and statistical analysis.

From a fantasy baseball perspective, I have been playing for over 10 years in extremely competitive leagues. The most competitive league I am in is a 12 team 6x6 league with OBP instead of Avg. and IP as the extra pitching category. We have a Games Started cap to make things a little more interesting as the year goes on and forces owners to start pitchers responsibly and not just picking up anyone who will be throwing in a given day.

With you caught up to date on what my background is, I hope that you continue to check back in the future to see how you can get a leg up on your competition.