Buy Low/Sell High July 6th (Sonnanstine/Posada)
Buy Low: Andy Sonnanstine Key Stats:
Pitcher: | BABIP | K/BB | PTO% | qERA | ERA Dif | P/IP | FIP |
Hitter: | BABIP | P/PA | BB/SO | GB/FB | HR/FB | | |
2008 | 0.333 | 3.450 | 28.2% | 4.25 | 0.057 | 15.11 | 3.47 |
2007 | 0.333 | 3.73 | 27.94% | 4.05 | 1.797 | 16.05 | 4.13 |
2006 | #N/A | #N/A | #N/A | #N/A | #N/A | #N/A | #N/A |
Time to face it, the Rays are not going anywhere and in large part due to its pitching staff. Andy has been a large part in this evidenced by his FIP of 3.47 and a K/BB ratio of almost 3.50. By having an P/IP of 15.11 it shows that he is efficient in his pitches, often able to get to the 7th inning on barely 100 pitches. He'll help both your WHIP and ERA and could make that difference at the end of the year.
Sonnanstine, Andy SP TB for Torres, Salomon RP MIL
Sonnanstine, Andy SP TB for Fuentes, Brian RP COL
Sonnanstine, Andy SP TB for Abreu, Bobby RF NYY
Sell High: Jorge Posada
Key Stats:
Pitcher: | BABIP | K/BB | PTO% | qERA | ERA Dif | P/IP | FIP |
Hitter: | BABIP | P/PA | BB/SO | GB/FB | HR/FB | | |
2008 | 0.275 | 3.77 | 0.64 | 1.049 | 7.32% | | |
2007 | 0.324 | 3.83 | 0.76 | 1.302 | 15.50% | | |
2006 | 0.255 | 3.72 | 0.67 | 1.133 | 17.97% | | |
Posada has had a rough year between injuries and decreased production from years past. Something is causing his HR/FB ratio to drop like a rock and while I'm not 100% sure, I think it is his right shoulder or power shoulder for left-handed batters. The other thing to note is he's hitting more FB than ever while having the same aggressiveness. All of this leads me to recommend selling him on his name right now and picking up someone like Jeff Clement or Ryan Doumit who will give you the same if not better production. His BABIP is also well within the normal range, so you cannot reasonably expect a correction one way or another.
Posada, Jorge C NYY and Webb, Brandon SP ARI for Longoria, Evan 3B TB and McCann, Brian C ATL
Posada, Jorge C NYY for Dye, Jermaine RF CHW
Posada, Jorge C NYY for Burrell, Pat LF PHI
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